App Registration
You need to set up an App Registration, so Schoolyear AVD can call APIs in your Azure tenant. This guide helps you set up this App Registration.
Some of the identifiers and secrets created in these steps are required later in the Quick-Start guide. Note them down somewhere secure or come back later to this chapter to copy or generate when you need them.
Create the App Registration
Navigate to the App Registration page in the Azure Portal: Entra ID > Manage > App registrations
Click “New Registration”
Schoolyear AVD
Supported account types:
Single tenant
Click “Register”
Redirect URLs
Set up the redirect URls for the newly created App Registration by navigating to
Manage > Authentication
Configure Web platform
Click “Add a platform”
Click “Web”
Enter one of the following URLs, depending on the Schoolyear environment you are trying to connect to -
Click “Configure”
Configure Native platform
Click “Add a platform”
Click “Mobile and desktop applications”
Configure this url -
Click “Configure”
Client Secret
Create a Client Secret for the newly created App Registration by navigating to
Manage > Certificates & secrets > Client secrets > "New Client Secret"
- Description:
Schoolyear AVD
- Expires: Default or whatever your internal policy requires.
Note down the secret’s value for later use. We will refer back to it later as The App Registration Client Secret
API permissions
You need to grant a few permissions to this App Registration for Schoolyear AVD to function correctly. These permissions are generally quite permissive.
Navigate to Manage > API permissions
and add the following permission:
- Microsoft Graph > Delegated >
(may already be added by default)
After you have added the permission, click “Grant admin consent for Schoolyear”.
Service Principle Permissions
You must grant the App Registration permissions on the Subscription you are using for your Schoolyear AVD implementation. You do this by granting a role to the “Service Principle” that represents the newly created App Registration.
The Service Principle must have enough permissions to perform at least the following actions:
- Read & deploy Deployment Templates
- ReadWrite Resource Groups
- Grant students access to AVD deployments
- Deploy, read, update and delete any resource configured in the Deployment Templates
In practice, the Service Principle requires an Owner role in the Subscription.
To assign the Service Principle the Owner role,
navigate to Subscriptions > <your-subscription> > Access Control (IAM) > Add > Add role assignment
Role > Privileged administrator roles
, clickOwner
. -
, configure the following- Assign access to:
User, group or service principal
- Members: search for the name you gave to the App Registration (
Schoolyear AVD
- Assign access to:
, selectAllow user to assign all roles except privileged administrator roles Owner, UAA, RBAC (Recommended)
. -
Click “Next” & “Review + assign”