Exam-Ready image
To run Azure Virtual Desktop, you need a Virtual Machine image. This guide assumes you are familiar with VM images for AVD, but if you want to learn more, see this Microsoft article.
This guide will help you create an image with Office 365 using an AVD Image Template. This automates the image building process, making it easily reproducible.
Create Image Resource Group
Start by creating a new Resource Group to put all our image building resources in.
Name it imagebuilding
and put it in the same region as you want to put
your Schoolyear AVD resources to be deployed in.
Image Gallery
Next, you need to create an Azure Compute Gallery.
This gallery will hold all your Schoolyear AVD images.
Navigate to Azure Compute Gallery > New
and name it schoolyear_avd_gallery
VM Image definition
Create a new VM Image Definition in the Image Gallery you just created (Add > VM Image Definition
- VM image definition name:
- OS type:
- Security type:
Trusted launch supported
- OS state:
- Publisher:
- Offer:
- SKU:
- VM image definition name:
Version, Publishing options, Tags: leave empty
Review & Create
to create the VM Image Definition -
On the newly created Definition, go to
Settings > Properties
and copy theResource ID
. You will need this in a later step.
Storage Account
You need to create a Storage Account to store resources, such as MSI packages, for use during image building.
Create a Storage Account in the
Resource Group and configure it as such:- Name:
- Region: same as your
Resource Group - Performance:
- Redundancy:
- Leave all other options & tabs as is
- Name:
Create a new Container in the newly created Storage Account.
- Name:
- Leave all other options as is
- Name:
Grant yourself permissions
As you will be uploading files to this Storage Container in a later step, you need to grant yourself access to this Container.
This is required, even if you have an Owner role and are able to upload files through the Azure Portal.
Navigate to the Storage Account (
Storage Accounts > imageresources > Access Control (IAM)
) -
Add > Add role assignment
Storage Blob Data Contributor
Members: Select your own account
Create the Role Assignment
Managed Identity
You need to create a new Managed Identity that will perform the automation steps during the image building process.
Custom Role
Create a new custom role with the following configuration. This role will be assigned to the Managed Identity in the next step.
Go to Subscriptions > [subscriptionName] > Access Control (IAM) > Add > Add Custom Role
Do not forget to replace the placeholders in this JSON example.
{ "properties": { "roleName": "schoolyearavd-imagebuilder", "description" : "", "assignableScopes": [ "/subscriptions/[subscriptionId]/resourceGroups/imagebuilding" ], "permissions": [ { "actions": [ "Microsoft.Compute/galleries/read", "Microsoft.Compute/galleries/images/read", "Microsoft.Compute/galleries/images/versions/write", "Microsoft.Compute/galleries/images/versions/read", "Microsoft.Compute/images/read", "Microsoft.Compute/images/write", "Microsoft.Compute/images/delete" ], "notActions": [], "dataActions": [], "notDataActions": [] } ] }}
Create Managed Identity
Create the new Managed Identity in the imagebuilding
resource group and name it imagebuilder
Deploy it in the same region as the Resource Group.
Assign the two roles to the Managed Identity:
Navigate to the newly created Managed Identity (
Managed Identities > imagebuilder, Azure role assignments
). -
Add role assignment
and configure the following and clickSave
:- Scope:
Resource Group
- Subscription: Select your Schoolyear AVD Subscription
- Resouce Group:
- Role: Select the custom role you just created (
- Scope:
Add role assignment
again and configure the following and clickSave
:- Scope:
- Subscription: Select your Schoolyear AVD Subscription
- Resource: Select the Storage Account you created in a previous step
- Role:
Storage Blob Data Reader
- Scope:
Schoolyear AVD CLI
Schoolyear provides a CLI tool for building your Exam-Ready images in AVD. You can download the binary from our public Github repository.
This executable is not an installer, instead it can be used directly from a terminal.
Rename the downloaded binary to avdcli
(or avdcli.exe
for Windows).
Optionally, you can store this binary in a folder that is part of your PATH
to make it available in your terminal from any directory.
For the rest of this guide, it is assumed you have the avdcli
command available in your terminal.
Azure CLI
The Schoolyear AVD CLI depends on your locally installed Azure CLI for authentication.
Make sure you are logged into to that CLI tool by running az login
AVD-deployments & deploy image
Schoolyear hosts an Open Source Community so customers can share images publicly.
In this guide you will use the office365
image from that repository.
Check out the repository to your local machine.
Terminal window git clone https://github.com/schoolyear/avd-deploymentscd avd-deployments -
By default the latest deployment template is used by the AVD CLI.
Alternatively, if you want to deploy a custom deployment template you have the option to compile your own custom deployment template with
Terminal window az bicep build -f deployment/templates/main.bicepwhich will compile the Bicep deployment template to json that is used to deploy your image and then pass the filepath of the compiled template to
If you are building an image for use with Schoolyear Beta, edit the
URL in the.env
file of the repository. Change the domain tobeta.install.exams.schoolyear.app
. -
Build the image package. The CLI allows you to combine multiple image layers into a single “Image Package”.
Terminal window avdcli image package \-l default_layers/common_config \-l default_layers/clean \ # Clean up the Windows image-l default_layers/vdot \ # Apply Windows Virtual Desktop Optimizations-l default_layers/windows_update \ # Apply Windows Updates during the image build process-l default_layers/vdi_browser \ # Install the Schoolyear VDI browser-l default_layers/scripts_setup \ # Copy session scripts to the image-l default_layers/network_lockdown \ # Block network connectivity during the exam-l images/office365 \ # Configure Office 365--overwrite -
Deploy the Image Package to Azure and start the image building process.
Terminal window avdcli package deploy \-n office365 \-s "[[subscriptionid]]" \-rg imagebuilding \-r "https://imageresources.blob.core.windows.net/resources" \-dto out/resolved_template.json \--startThe command will prompt you to replace a few parameters.
: the Resource ID of the Managed Identity you created in a previous step.targetGalleryImageId
: The Resource ID of the Image Definition you created in a previous step.location
: The location in which you deployed the imagebuilding resource group. E.g.westeurope
: The link to the Schoolyear Browser to install.vmSize
: The size of the VM to use.keyVaultResourceGroup
: The resource group of the keyvault.keyVaultName
: The name of the keyvault.keyVaultCertificateName
: The name of the certificate to be used by the trusted proxy.vmCustomImageSourceId
: The resource ID of the image to be used. Can be changed after deployment with updated image.proxyRSAPublicKey
: (Optional, not needed if SSH access to Trusted Proxy VM is not needed). The public key of a private - public RSA SSH key pair.dnsZoneResourceGroup
: The resource group where the private DNS Zone is deployed.dnsZoneName
: The private DNS Zone name.internalServicesPrivateDNSZoneName
: The internal services private DNS Zone name.
If you followed this guide, you can fill in the following values:
- userAssignedIdentityResourceId:
- targetGalleryImageId:
- location:
- vdiBrowserMsiUrl: Link to the latest VDI Browser MSI.
- vmSize:
- keyVaultResourceGroup:
- keyVaultName:
- keyVaultCertificateName:
- vmCustomImageSourceId:
- proxyRSAPublicKey: Your SSH public key (must be RSA) with which you can access the proxy servers for debugging purposes (user is
). - dnsZoneResourceGroup:
- dnsZoneName:
- internalServicesPrivateDNSZoneName: You can leave this empty unless you’re planning to use internal services.
It may take up to 2 hours for the image building process to complete. You can track the progress in the Azure Portal (
AVD > Manage > Custom image templates
Deployment Template
The final piece of an image deployment in AVD is the “Deployment Template”.
This is the ARM template
that gets deployed for each exam using a specific image.
This Deployment Template should be stored in the imagebuilding
Resource Group as a Template Spec resource.
After the package deploy
command finishes you will notice that a file has been created and saved to the specified -dto
That will be your deployment template containing all of the resolved parameters needed to run an exam.
If you’re not using the latest avdcli
version you might have not been prompted to resolve the template parameters during
the package deploy
command. If that’s the case, you need to open the deployment template file before uploading it and manually replace any
placeholders that look like [[[param:*]]]
Once the image building has finished successfully, you can upload the resolved deployment template as a Template Spec in Azure.
Create a new Template Spec resource through the Azure Portal.
- Resource Group:
- Name:
- Version:
- Resource Group:
In the
Edit Template
step, upload the JSON document. -
Review + Create
to create the Template Spec. -
Navigate to the newly created version (
Template Spec > office365 > Versions > v1 > Properties
). -
Note down the
Resource ID
. It is important you use the Resource ID of a specific version, not of the Template Spec itself. You will need this Resource ID in the next chapter.